Culminating Experience Reflection Part 1

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* As I approach the end of my Information and Learning Technology (ILT) master’s degree at University of Colorado Denver, I am taking time to create an online portfolio to highlight what I have learned and the cool projects I have created, this series of blog posts will document my reflections on this process.

I am quickly approaching the date to turn in my final portfolio for my master’s degree at UC Denver, and I have collect and organize the work I have done related to learning technology and distance learning, both as a student and as an educator. This task is not as daunting as it seems because of the great support of one particular professor from my program.  Joni Dunlap taught my first course in the ILT program and she gave her students the opportunity to build a first draft of the culminating portfolio (refereed to as a Basecamp) in her class. This assignment has given me a foundation to build my final portfolio off of, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I still liked the format of my draft when I referred back to it. Thanks Joni!

The solid foundation I created early on in my learning journey has let me shift my thinking from “how do I make an online portfolio?” to “how to expand and improve what I have?” I have already reviewed my work, both as a student and teacher, to organize and identify the pieces I want to include, now I am focused on the portfolio website itself and have identified five avenues for improvement.

  • rearrange the portfolio page of the website to reference more board categories of work: Digital Media, Written Texts, Websites, Distance Observation Internship
  • Update personal logo for webpage.
  • Link new blog to website and archive old blog
  • Redo personal profile to reflect both my expanded view of Darren the educator and to include the how I achieved each of the ILT core competencies
  • Finally I want to include my twitter feed and personal learning network (PLN) onto the site

This is where my planning is at to start out the revamping of my digital portfolio and I am sure the I will make changes on the fly but this is where I start, wish me luck!



Culminating Experience Reflection Part 1

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